Fishing on Wood Lake just out side of Kelowna is one of the best spots for fishing Kokanee close to town. From middle of April to middle of May is one of the hottest times for fishing Kokanee.The technique I like to use is trolling with a sinking line. I let the whole line all the way out, plus I add a heavy tip to the end of the line, this gets the fly down 10 feet. The fly I use is a maggot fly, also known as Carey fly. This fly can be used as is or I like to add live maggots to the fly, the red ones.
The other fly I have had great success is a little smelt fly. The other reason I like this fly is when you are using this fly, it is great also for getting rainbows.You can get this rainbow streamer at the Canadian tire in Kelowna. My log for this spring on Wood lake April, 13 , 2008 Maggot fly very good 2 P.M. Also went April, 27 , 2008 1:30 P.M. very hot got limit 25 min. There is nothing like getting a Kokanee on the fly, they are great fighters. I have seen them jump up to five times right out of the water.
Posted By Alex Mentes
Wood Lake Special |
It looks like the glory days of Kokanee fishing on Wood Lake has been changed to a six week season. Sometime around 2011 the numbers of Kokanee spawning were down so they changed it to a shorter season. So I'm doing a little update, even though it's been a shorter season for the last two years. The spring fishing during April and May has been pretty good. The Kokanee that I caught have been impressive. Also it seems the Rainbow numbers are way up for Wood Lake, seven of the eight fish I caught in early spring on Wood Lake were Rainbows. Here are a couple pictures.
May 2014 20 inch Kokanee |
17 inch Wood lake rainbow |